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About Rhya
Photo of Rhya standing in a white kitchen

Hi! I am a licensed dietitian nutritionist with an "integrative" or "functional" approach. That means I apply evidence-based nutrition science to support the body as a whole instead of trying to address a single symptom or system. I am also a certified LEAP therapist dietitian, which means I am trained to design and supervise custom elimination diets. My practice focus areas include: gastrointestinal (GI) conditions such as IBS and IBD; autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthiritis (RA) and Hashimoto's; stubborn weight issues; food sensitivities, and other chronic inflammatory conditions in both adults and children.

Through my family's own health struggles with autoimmune disease, celiac disease, ADHD, and multiple food sensitivities, I became interested in the power of nutrition as an adjunct therapy to medical treatment. I completed my Master's Degree in Human Nutrition at Winthrop University, and pursued a nutrition license so that I could help others and share what I've learned.

Please let me know how I can help you along your journey to optimal health!

In health,
Rhya Pachin, RDN, LDN, CLT

Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist

1040 Edgewater Corporate Parkway Ste 106
Indian Land, SC 29707

(704) 665-9688

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©2016 by Carolina Functional Nutrition

Carolina Functional Nutrition

13663 Providence Rd #153 

Weddington NC 28104

(704) 740-1602

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